Winning Scenarios

Match Winners

Fastest 1 Line

During each match the first1 player/s to complete any 1 Horizontal Line on their game card will win a fixed prize.

Fastest 2 Lines

During each match the first1 player/s to complete any 2 Horizontal Lines on their game card will win a fixed prize2.

Fastest Full House

During each match the first1 player/s to complete a Full House will win a fixed prize2.

NB - A Full House win will end the game immediately, as no further wins are possible.

launching soon

Fastest 1 Line of the Month3

Fastest 2 Lines of the Month3

Fastest Full House of the month3

  1. First during a match is determined by when the winning event is supplied to Match Bingo by the Opta feed.
  2. Any shared prizes will be split evenly amongst all winning players. For example, if two people are the first to win 1 Line on the same game, they will each receive 50% of the advertised prize.
  3. Fastest across multiple matches is rounded down to the closest minute during which the winning event occurred, according to the Opta feed.