Winning Scenarios
Match Winners
Fastest 1 Line
During each match the first1 player/s to complete any 1 Horizontal Line on their game card will win a fixed prize.
Fastest 2 Lines
During each match the first1 player/s to complete any 2 Horizontal Lines on their game card will win a fixed prize2.
Fastest Full House
During each match the first1 player/s to complete a Full House will win a fixed prize2.
NB - A Full House win will end the game immediately, as no further wins are possible.
launching soon
Fastest 1 Line of the Month3
Fastest 2 Lines of the Month3
Fastest Full House of the month3
- First during a match is determined by when the winning event is supplied to Match Bingo by the Opta feed.
- Any shared prizes will be split evenly amongst all winning players. For example, if two people are the first to win 1 Line on the same game, they will each receive 50% of the advertised prize.
- Fastest across multiple matches is rounded down to the closest minute during which the winning event occurred, according to the Opta feed.